Il progetto REPLACE, stiamo contribuendo con nuove conoscenze e ricerche accademiche agli studi sul patrimonio e alle pratiche di riduzione del rischio di disastri. Di seguito si trovano i collegamenti al nostro e pubblicazioni accademiche.

Lo scopo principale di questo articolo è analizzare e discutere il processo di co-creazione che abbiamo intrapreso con i residenti di Senerchia per la realizzazione di un documentario immersivo, Italia Terremotata, che esplora la vita prima, durante e dopo il terremoto.

This paper aims to bridge this knowledge gap by reviewing the literature on the use of place-centric digital technologies in disaster settings. Understanding how these technologies address the social dimensions of human perception of risk and human responses to the loss of place during disasters is crucial for supporting long-term recovery efforts of communities and place.

Values-Led Design Toolkit

06 Nov 2024

The Values-Led Design Toolkit is a card-based resource designed to support and guide archaeologists and heritage professionals in foregrounding ethical considerations and embedding values in the design process of a diverse array of projects.

The toolkit is composed of:

  • Design instructions
  • Five decks of design cards – Values, Vision, Concept, Design and Challenge
  • Design outputs
  • Toolkit Board


The current version of the toolkit is the result of the latest iteration of testing, implementation and redesign carried out within REPLACE. Credits for the original version and following iterations of this work go to the EMOTIVE project team (with key contributions from Laia Pujol, Narcís Parés and collaborators at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Francesca Dolcetti, Claire Boardman, Rachel Opitz and Sara Perry.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Values-Led Design Toolkit

The Values-Led Design Toolkit is a card-based resource designed to support and guide archaeologists and heritage professionals in foregrounding ethical considerations…